Charity no. 1160549

The Recreation Ground, Harrogate Road, Leeds, LS17 8EN

Tel: 07596 756416 Tel: 0113 2695114

e-mail us at

Website at


Welcome Letter

Welcome to Wigton Moor Playschool

We hope that your child will enjoy their time in our care. We aim to provide a happy, safe, stimulating environment under the guidance of the 'Early Years Foundation Stage Framework' (EYFS).

Children develop quickly in the early years and a child's experiences between birth and the age of five years have a major impact on their future. The EYFS sets the standards to ensure that children learn and develop, and are kept healthy and safe.

Wigton Moor Playschool promotes teaching and learning to ensure a child's 'school readiness.' We support children individually to make progress at their own pace. Children who need extra support will receive special consideration to fulfil their potential.

We aim to work in partnership with parents/carers as good parenting and high quality learning provide the foundation children need for progress through school.

We are a well established group with more than 40 years experience in providing pre-school care in the local community. Our provision is based at Wigton Moor Football Club. This provides a suitable learning environment for the children in our community.


The Committee:

Wigton Moor Playschool is a registered limited company with a charitable status. We are run by a committee of volunteers (mostly parents/carers) with a Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary. The committee are responsible for the playschool's finances, employing and managing staff. They also ensure playschool adheres to and updates their policies and procedures as required by Ofsted and the EYFS. The committee organise fundraising events throughout the year to help support the playschool.

The committee can be contacted via email:

Wigton Moor Playschool is an Ofsted registered group and is regularly inspected. Our most recent reports can be found on the Ofsted website at


Legislation and Staff Recruitment:

Wigton Moor Playschool conforms to all current legislation in respect to guidelines covered under our registration with Ofsted. Ofsted registers and inspects childcare for children aged from birth to 17 years.

On your child's entry to Playschool we are required to confirm their date of birth. You need to bring in your child's birth certificate as soon as possible to enable Playschool management to check the details. This document will be checked and returned to you straight away: we do not need to keep it.

All staff are either qualified or employed on the understanding that they attend a relevant childcare course. Staff also attend mandatory training when necessary e.g. First Aid, Food Hygiene etc.

Wigton Moor Playschool offers a ratio of one staff member to five children for up to 30 children in any one session.


Privacy Notice (GDPR):

The General Data Protections Regulation (GDPR) governs how we handle and protect personal data. The personal data we collect is for specific, legitimate purposes, eg; names, address(es) emails, details of outside professional agencies, allergy and medical information (where applicable) and special dietary requirements (where applicable), and is not further processed without your consent. We ensure the appropriate security of personal data and we hold onto this data for no longer than is necessary. Once your child leaves Playschool we will remove you from the mailing list.

The Chair of Wigton Moor Playschool Committee, Linda West, the controller. The controller shall be responsible for and be able to demonstrate compliance within the GDPR.

If at any point you believe the information we possess on you is incorrect, you can request to see this information and have it corrected or deleted. If you wish to raise a complaint on how we have handled your personal data, you can contact our controller at

We will be obliged to share confidential information without authorisation from the other person who provided it or to whom it relates if it prevents harm or suffering to a child, or adult, or it is to prevent a crime being committed.


Playschool Sessions:

Wigton Moor Playschool offers sessional care during term time:

Monday to Friday 9am-12pm

Monday to Friday 12pm-3pm

Full days Monday to Friday 9am to 3pm.


Fees and Free Early Education Entitlement (FEEE):

Wigton Moor Playschool is funded by fees paid termly or half-termly on a per child per session basis. We have also introduced a 'Support Fee' per session per child, which will also be collected on a termly or half-termly basis. Children on the 2 years FEEE will be exempt from the 'Support Fee' charge.

Bills are issued at the start of each term or half-term and we request that fees are paid promptly, within two weeks of receiving the bill, otherwise it is liable to a late payment administration fee. Wigton Moor Playschool reserves the right to withdraw a child's place for non-payment of fees. If you have a problem meeting your payment please speak to Dawn or Steph.

Wigton Moor Playschool are able to claim the FEEE of up to 15 hours per week, for three and four year olds. We are able to apply for this funding in the term following the child's third birthday.

Please note we have a limited number of 30 hour places that we are able to offer. Further information is available at

We are also able to offer some places on the 'Two Years Free Early Education Entitlement'. If you require more information regarding either of these funding options please contact Dawn or Steph.

Where funding is not received then fees will apply.

Please be aware that the FEEE is offered for 38 of the 39 weeks of term time. Wigton Moor Playschool is therefore entitled to close for five training days. In circumstances where the training days are not required playschool may have to issue parents/carers a bill to cover week 39 payments.

Parents/carers can contact 'The Family Information Service' on 0113 3789700 regarding any queries or concerns regarding their free entitlement.


The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS):

Wigton Moor Playschool follows the EYFS framework for curriculum guidance to plan your child's teaching and learning. It is designed to be flexible so staff can follow your child's unique needs and interests. Children in the EYFS learn by playing and exploring, being active and through creative and critical thinking which takes place both in and outdoors.

The framework is divided up into seven areas of learning and development. Children should mostly develop the three prime areas first. These are:

Communication and Language

Physical Development

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

These prime areas are the most essential for your child's healthy development and future learning. As children grow, the prime areas will help them to develop skills in four specific areas.

These are:



Understanding the World

Expressive Arts and Design

Children are encouraged to make their own choices in the activities that they participate. However, we feel that it is important that all children come together in groups at certain points throughout the session e.g. singing and story time. Children will also be encouraged to participate in adult-led activities which reflect our varied themes and topics. The staff will provide support in a child's learning and development.

A useful online guide to your child's learning and development in the Early Years Foundation Stage called 'What to Expect, When?' is available at


Keyperson and Online Learning Journal (Tapestry):

All children attending have a personal online learning journal known as 'Tapestry'.

Through Tapestry we are able to build up a record of your child's experiences and development during their time with us, through photographs, observations and comments. You are able to log on your child's 'Tapestry' profile to follow their learning journey. You can also make comments and add your own photographs.

Each child is designated a keyperson. This keyperson is responsible for a small group of children. When available the keyperson acts as the main contact for parents/carers.

The keyperson is responsible for setting up your child's 'Tapestry' profile, updating this on a regular basis and demonstrating how they intend to support your child's development in the form of a personalised plan.

The keyperson also has the responsibility of completing the progress check at aged 2 years (where applicable). They will share information on a regular basis with parents/carers and other childcare settings through the half-term summary/exchange of information document. They will also complete a transfer form on your child's departure from Wigton Moor Playschool


Partnership with Parents/Carers:

Wigton Moor Playschool values its partnership with parents/carers. We aim to ensure parents/carers;

Are kept informed of developments at Wigton Moor Playschool through quarterly newsletters, half-term curriculum information sheets as well as other letters/emails.

Have the opportunity to join the committee and attend the AGM.

Have access to their child's 'Tapestry' journal and to discuss their child's progress.

Have the opportunity to contribute to their child's development in playschool.

Have the opportunity to attend termly 'Stay and Play' sessions.


Valuing Diversity and Promoting Equality:

Wigton Moor Playschool has a responsibility to ensure positive attitudes to diversity and difference. This means that every child is included and not disadvantaged, but also so that they learn from the earliest age to value diversity in others.

Through curriculum activities we promote the fundamental British values of democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance.

As part of the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum we encourage children (and parents/carers) to join in with a variety of different activities. This includes the aforementioned fundraising activities for Wigton Moor Playschool and other well known charitable events e.g. Jeans for Genes Day, Children in Needs, Comic Relief etc. We also have an annual Spring Fair in addition to a wide variety of activities to celebrate religious festivals and cultural events.


Complaints Procedure:

Please feel able to approach any member of staff if you have any worries or queries, however small. Any information which you feel may affect your child in playschool will be treated in confidence.

It is our intention to work in partnership with parents/carers and we welcome suggestions on how to improve Wigton Moor Playschool. We have a 'comments book' available and we will give prompt and serious attention to any concerns.

We believe that complaints should be taken seriously and dealt with in a way that respects confidentiality. If this does not achieve the desired result, we have a set of procedures for dealing with concerns. Please refer to our 'Making a Complaint Procedure'.

Parents may approach Ofsted directly at any stage of the complaints procedure. The outcome of all complaints is recorded in the 'Summary Complaints Record' which is available for parents, carers and Ofsted inspectors upon request.

The address and telephone number of our regional centre is:

The National Business Unit


Piccadilly Gate

Store Street


M1 2DW

General Ofsted: 03001231231



Helpful Advice

Suitable Clothing:

Please ensure that your child wears appropriate clothing when attending Wigton Moor Playschool. Dress them in comfortable clothes which are manageable for toileting to help support their independence. For example skinny jeans, dungarees and clothing with belts can make it difficult for your child to toilet themselves independently. Please also make sure that their clothing is weather appropriate. In the colder months please ensure your child is dressed suitably with warm jumpers, hoodies, cardigans or sweaters.

We would advise parents/carers to provide their children with named spare clothes as playschools supply of these items is limited. Also we would be grateful if parents/carers would wash and return any items of borrowed clothing promptly.

Outdoor Play:

Outdoor play is an integral part of our curriculum and the children will be playing outdoors in all weathers. We would be grateful, if you could ensure that your child has the appropriate clothing e.g. coat, hat, gloves, wellington boots. These need to be clearly marked with their name.


All children at times suffer from mild coughs and colds. Unwell children do not benefit from being at playschool and if you are in any doubt please speak to a member of staff.

To prevent the spread of infection, any child suffering from vomiting and/or diarrhoea must be kept at home for at least 48 hours after the symptoms cease.

Please be aware that we do not administer medication to a child, unless it is prescribed by a doctor. Please note that we cannot administer 'Calpol', or any other pain relief medication, for any reason other than to prevent febrile convulsions.

In the event of a child becoming ill whilst at playschool, we will use the information you have given to us on the 'Health Form' to firstly contact a parent/carer or secondly the emergency contact. The child will be given one to one care with a member of staff until the parent/carer arrives.

It is important to inform playschool staff of any changes to your child's health status whether they are short term or ongoing to ensure that your child's health form is updated. It is also important to inform playschool if there is any reason temporary and permanent why you feel your child should not participate in a particular playschool activity.

Uncollected Child Procedure:

In the event that a child is not collected by an authorised adult at their expected collection time, we will put into practice the agreed procedures. Please read the 'Uncollected Child Procedure' for further information.

It is important to provide details of the adults you have authorised to collect your child from playschool on their 'Admissions Form'. Please be aware, on the occasions when parents/carers or the persons normally authorised to collect your child are not able to do so, you must provide playschool with written details (by email or letter) of the name, address and phone number of that person. We may also require a password.

Change of Personal Information:

It is important to inform Wigton Moor Playschool of any changes so we can update out records accordingly.

Safeguarding and Child Protection:

Wigton Moor Playschool has robust safeguarding policies and procedures to keep children safe. These include details of what happens if we have concerns about a child as well as the procedure we follow for an allegation made against a member of staff.

We ensure that staff are all trained and have up to date knowledge of safeguarding issues, including the Prevent Duty and Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). Dawn Webster is our nominated lead for safeguarding. In her absence it would be Stephanie Gorstige or Christine Brown.

We follow the guidelines of the Leeds Safeguarding Children Partnership (LSCP) and the publication 'What to do if You Are Worried That a Child is Being Abused'. The latter is available on the parents/carers notice board.

Food and Drink:

At Wigton Moor Playschool we encourage the children to eat healthy and nutritious food. We offer fruit, breadsticks and/or crackers at snack time, together with milk or water to drink.

We would like our parents to support our 'Fruit Monster' concept by encouraging your child to bring in a piece of fruit each session to 'feed' to the monster. These fruits will then be prepared and shared amongst the children at snack time.

All children staying for full day sessions, or an afternoon session must be provided with a packed lunch in a suitable, named container.

Please ensure that the packed lunch you provide is healthy and nutritious. Wigton Moor Playschool does have facilities to reheat foods such as pasta, jacket potatoes, baked beans etc if your child prefers these to sandwiches. However, due to food safety reasons we are unable to reheat rice and chicken.

The packed lunch MUST NOT contain:

Nuts; either nuts or foods containing nuts (due to allergies).



Fizzy drinks

Please refer to the 'Food and Drinks Policies' for further information.

We ensure that children have access to drinking water throughout the day. Please make sure you provide your child with a named drinking water bottle, filled with fresh water each day and place it on the designated water bottle trolley.

Children in Nappies:

Parents/carers of children wearing nappies must provide their child with their own supply of nappies, wipes and nappy sacks. Unfortunately, we do not have disposal facilities, so you will be asked to take them home at the end of each session.

Playschool Policies and Procedures:

Playschool policies and procedures cover every aspect of playschool life. Some of our more important policies are available to read on our website and we would recommend reading them before signing the general parental permission document. We also have a copy of all the policies in Playschool.

Have a happy time with us!!